Published Jan 11, 2004
314 Posts
how many of you clean the jaws of liga or surgiclip applicators between use. I was always taught to to prevent dry blood jamming the jaws. If you do can you tell me why and if not why. I have a really good reason for asking.
1,260 Posts
Why aren't you using disposables? We don't use the loadable surgiclips anymore. Mike
1,085 Posts
I generally keep all my instruments clean by wiping them with a wet raytec between uses--but, when you are using hemoclips (or ligaclips,) you are generally using them one followed immediately by another, followed by scissors, then follwed by clip, clip, scissors again--you really don't have time to wipe them between each and every reload.
Of course, it makes sense to dip them in water or wipe the jaws when you do get a chance to do so; same as you would with scissors, pick-ups, etc--but to try to do so between every reload is unrealistic.
I am a neat freak. Each instrument handed to the surgeon looks brand new. I can't stand to hand an instrument that has dried blood to the surgeon. As stevierae said, just use a raytec to keep your instruments nice and clean. More delicate ones you can use an instrument wipe from a company. Keeping the instruments clean gives me an oppurtunity to not look so bored at times and keeps my hands busy. Mike
Thank you all so much for answering. I cant tell you right now why I'm asking but its really important. And also I dident mean between each clip being used but whenever the surgeon is finished and the next time he asks for it. Can I ask, are u all referring to non disposable or disposable applicators. I am referring to disposable applicators. I feel that dried blood left on the tips may cause them to stick together.
On the subject of disposables. If you have the oppurtunity to take one apart you see that the mechanism is lubricated with a white petroleum grease. The tips should never stick due to a build up of blood. The sales reps we get were asked that long ago because we had the same question. If it does stick, then there is a problem with that particular instrument. We have a number of surgeons that use these and the have never "jambed" yet(knock on wood). We still have the re-loadable ones for a couple of anal retentive Urologists who will only use these. Like I said before, I just spend my time cleaning off everything because it looks good! Mike
2 Posts
Does the scrub nurse in your facillity take responsibility for the cleaning, decontamination and sterilizing of delicate instruments like scopes etc?
soniaB, can u please clarify your question?
Carcha, at the hospital where I work, at the end of the case, the scrub nurse removes the instruments used from thr OR to the Work Room, where the sets are decontaminated reassembled and autoclaved by non-nursing personnel. However,for some instruments like micro instruments, scopes and some neuro pieces,the scrub nurse is expected to carryout these functions as well. A problem sometimes arises when the Work Room personnel determines that other heavy duty instruments (like the Arthroscopy instruments) be taken care of by the scrub nurse.the sister in charge does not see it necessary to specify what should be done.
It seems that every department in the hospital would like to pass on their responsibilities to nurses. On night duty the nurses mop the floor between cases as the is no housekeeping staff on at night. You can lose your focus easily in this environment. I am tired of the fight and ready to leave.