
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I would like to know how many classes are people starting out with? Also are there any students which are parents and taking two or more classes in a semester? How many classes are you taking? How hard is it? Is it doable? Do you regret taking on so many? How many hours a week are you dedicating to school on campus and at home? How many days a week? Sorry for all the questions I am just trying to get an idea of what others are doing. I am planning ahead before I even start school I want to take as much classes as possible. But I am also the mother of 2, have a hubby and have a home to deal with. What do people recommend as to how many classes to take and how many days a week? Does anyone take more than one class in one day? Am just trying to get some info. Thanks to all that reply.

I have 3 kids (9,5,3) and work 20 hours a week in the evenings/weekends after my husband gets home. I am home during the day with the kids.

In the spring I took 2 prereq classes. This summer I took 4 more prereq classes, all at the same time, and all online. It was a busy 8 weeks, but I got A's. My kids are glad to have me back! Dinners were pretty rough those 8 weeks, but we survived. It was a preview to what nursing school might be like. Busy busy busy.

My advice is to research the programs in your area. It won't do you any good to load up on classes, get Bs, and not get accepted because everyone else has a 4.0 gpa. All these classes I took this year are ones that I had already taken 15 years ago, but got Bs in them. Bs will not get me in my program of choice.

I take about 15 credits a term, I have a hubby,a 9 y/o and a house to take care of too. I won't say that it's easy because it is not, but I try to schedule my time at school to coincide with my daughter being in school. It doesn't always work out but I have a back-up plan in advance in case of that situation. I take classes M-F.

My house isn't as spotless as it used to be, dinner is rarely on time but I am doing what I need to do right now and my family supports me 100%, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this.

Go for your dream, schedule chores, events and childcare (if you rely on that) a month or so in advance so that you don't have to stress out at the last minute over those things. You will soon see how many of us are out there going thru this and taking care of our family.

Best wishes to you!

p.s. I've got all A's, if I can do it, ANYONE can!

Specializes in Wannabe L&D, NICU, or OR.

This fall semester is my 1st semester back after 15year out of the loop. I'm excited though! I am taking 2 classes this semester which one of them is online. I was going to take 3 but thought that was overambutious so I scaled down to 2. I get laid off every year from Jan-April so during the spring semester I will be taking 3 classes. I'm going to try and schedule those so I only go to class 1-2 days a week. I am also planning on taking summer classes as well. So with that sort of schedule I am hoping to be able to get in the nursing program by Spring 2011. That seems soooo far away!!! But I know it goes quickly. I am a mother of 2 (11,3) so it will be interesting to see how this all works out. Good luck to you all

I started out with 2 classes at a time and I have 2 kids, hubby, house and a few pets. :D Oh and I was working full time also. It really all depends on how comfortable do you feel. Do things come to you easily or do you have to study a lot? Can you study at home or do you need the quiet of the school library? I learn fairly easily (so far anyway...nursing classes start this fall) and really do not like to spend time on campus unless I have to. So the majority of my time is spent at home working on things. Let the house work the grand scheme of things its really not important. Catch up on the weekends and have your hubby be more helpful! lol So far this has worked for me and I have all A's! :yeah: Good Luck!

I will be starting this fall - I have a 3 yr olf daughter and a husband (not technically but I call him that! :redbeathe ) I will be taking 3 classes, working 30 hours and keeping up with my family! I will be able to do a lot during the weekends

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