Published Apr 12, 2006
22 Posts
I have 2 options so far on where to work as a new grad RN. I can work in a NICU or SICU...which would be better to start with as a new grad with little critical care experience. That being said I have worked as a Student Nurse Extern at Clarian for the past yr in L&D and am having a very difficult time deciding which route to go since critical care is just so different from L&D. Also adding into the equation that each position is at a different hospital. If anyone has worked in both kinds of units or has worked at both hospitals, their thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
3 Posts
I have worked in both L&D and NICU for the past 10 years. These are two different areas totally. L&D is dealing with the Mother mostly, and the ups and downs of fetal heart tones. It takes several years of experience feeling comfortable with all the different Labor and Del. issues. NICU is taking care of the babe and comforting the parents! Parents have lots of questions. This area also takes a lot of training. I teach Neonatal Resuscitation and understanding this is key...but takes years to master. This is a decision you have to make based on which area you think you would like better. I have seen a lot of nurses over the years who just are not "cut out" for L&D, and they usually know it by the first year. NICU just takes time and training to learn..but you don't necessarily have to have critical care experience first. I would suggest you cross-train of try prn in NICU if you can before you make any final decision. As far as hopitals go..I think they are both good.
Good luck...