Chattanooga State Acceptance Letter & Points


Hi everyone,

I am working towards getting into Chattanooga State's Fall 2012 RN Program and have just a couple of questions.

-If you get in vs. not getting in do you get a larger packet/envelope? I just want to know what to look for. :nurse:

-Also, I know the minimum points for entry into the day Fall 2011 program was 86.35, but do you know what previous years were? I'm curious to see how much or it the points increase each year. I'm borderline for being able to get in.

Thank you!

Specializes in ER, IICU, PCU, PACU, EMS.

Moved to the Tennessee forum for more of response.

Hey i'm glad you posted the info about the points! I will need to get around a 90% on the TEAS to have above that- WOW. It's unreal how competitive chattanooga state is- I've been seriously considering going to Southern Adventist University because of this. There is no entrance test to SAU, it's mostly gpa/class based. For instance, they accept a junior over freshman/sophomores. My friend was accepted with 2 C's- in a&p 1 & 2. Also, they accept people TWICE a year- fall & spring semester, about 70-80 each time I hear. If you have decent grades I would consider it- Yes they are a private school, and expensive- but I hear they offer many scholarships. I applied so I'll be talking to someone in finance soon to see what they can do. They have a 98% pass rate on the NCLEX & are WELL known all around the world for their program. I wish I knew I had a spot at chattanooga state- but what happens if I don't? waiting a year... my time is more valuable than that.

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