changing schools

Nursing Students General Students


I hated my old school. And I had good reason, they had a 70% attrition rate, low NCLEX scores, and they're license to teach was suspended by the BRN ( I am not sure what that entailed ). The Director actually had to step down.

My new school is fine, everyday I look around and wonder how I got so lucky to be able to transfer.

It seems to me we have those schools that kick people out like it's going out of style and those that really work with the student.

The kickers always seem to claim that they are doing this to maintain nursing school standards and that they are protecting the public. Well I can tell you right now that the school that I go to now teaches loads better. So much better that I am shaking my head on how much I have to catch up on. These students are smart, and they are skilled. They don't live in fear like at the last school, afraid of asking questions in class, trying to not be seen by the instructors.

Honestly, those schools that have a knee jerk reaction to kick people out all the time, are just bad schools. The people who survive them are just that, survivors.

My two cents...cause everyone told me that it would be the same at another school.

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