Change in Nursing Practice


Hello everybody! This is my first post to!

I searched old postings and could not find anything pertaining to what I would like to ask-

I am doing a paper for one of my classes and it is is an area where we need to write if we would support change in nursing practice. I have a lot of evidence in my research topic area that supports some changes/ additions to nursing care dealing with my topic. I also want to propose a hospital program which would be, of course, nurse led.

Okay, here's the actual question:

Would it be appropriate to include the implementation of a program as a change in nursing practice, per se? I am sorry to be so generic. I guess what the question is, is what constitutes a change in nursing practice?

Thank you, in advance for any help you might provide in this matter.

BTW, I also want to say that I have been reading allnurses for so long and I am truly saddened at the loss of Daytonite. She was so caring, and you could tell by all she put into her posts.

Things are constantly changing in nursing. If you want to implement a change in your research paper I think that would be appropiate if the topic is legit. You can't just have an idea pop-up in your head and say "Oh, I think that would be a good idea so therefore lets make the change". Do some research on it, present your idea to the board and tell them why you think it is a good idea and why it will be an improvement. Will it make things easier for the nurses and will it help enough to make a difference? Also you have to weigh the pros and cons of the change. There is a lot to consider. Make a list of the questions you should consider.

Hi dazy! Thank you for your reply.

Everything is evidence based. I have a ton of articles which support what I am proposing. I guess what I am really asking is, is implementing a new program which is nurse lead and will lead to better patient outcomes, would this be considered a change in nursing practice?

I thought I would pose this question tonight to see what everyone comes up with. I am going to meet with my instructor Tues. I think face to face it will be easier to explain my situation.

Thanks for the help, though.

Be sure to be able to answer their questions about it. They will want details. Evidenced based will definetly pull some weight in that discussion.

Thank you. Pretty much the paper is done. It's 6 pages (I wanted to go on a little longer, but 6 pages was the max for the body) and I have 6 nursing references and 8 references from other health disciplines. I wish I could just actually talk to someone right now and explain myself. It was so hard to try to find the words to even open a new thread. But I thank you for trying to share some of your wisdom!

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