World International
Published Jul 18
ScottishNurse22, BSN
58 Posts
Hi I am looking for some advice/if anyone has any guidance on this topic.
I had a CGFNS CES report generated July 17th and was sent to the PA BON. To cut a long story short my PA BON application has also lapsed (I just need to bite the bullet and pay for a new application.) My CES report has expired and I can't seem to get a copy/have it reopened like the CGFNS website suggests. Does this mean I need to pay again for a whole new CGFNS CES report? Really really don't want to spent almost $1000 doing this again.
Im planning to reach out to the BON to see if they can use what's been submitted to my old application but highly doubting that.
Just wondering if anyone has experienced similar?
Ps I paid to have my documents e-saved with CGFNS so assuming getting the report might not be so bad this time around, just don't want to spend all that money again!
Thank you