do you fight a V/Q mismatch

Specialties CRNA


somthing clinical for a change:

I have recently read about the phenomena that exsits where patients in a (lateral recumbent position) for example will have a v/q mismatch. I qualify this with the explination that due to gravity , perfussion will prefer the dependant lung while ventilation would prefer the independant lung do to the increased tone of muscles of expiration which causes greater recoil of the lung thus increasing the compliance of the independant alveoli compared to that of the dependant lung alveoli.

now. what if I had to drop a lung? then what. what if i have an open chest which would only amplify the mismatch do the the increased distensbility of the independant lung. I am in awe as to how anesthesia providers blance these physiologic problems. I am sure we'll learn more down the road but due to my impatients I want an answer. how do you deal with a mismatch like this. what if one lung is sick.. yeesh... it just gets more and more complicated. :rolleyes:

Phospodiesterase inhibitors... the wave of the future.

I guess we can assume that the phospodiesterase responsible for metabolism of cAMP in genital vasular smooth muscle is the same that in the pulmonary vascularture.

Now is that Phosphodiesterase 7 or 9?? (hehe)

close but no cigar... pulmonary wise it is PDE-5 all the way - in fact the lung is the main place for PDE-5, and that is why viagra is so perfect for the lung... it is working great so far in studies (being done by my colleagues) in sheep...

they may have to change the trade name though before they start marketing it :)


I just had an Eureka moment. Of course NO only causes vasodilation in the ventialted lung. NO is delivered via gas exchange...

Oh my goodness..I am assuming you all learned this as a SRNA and that you didn't know it before you started school. I am starting June 1st and this is all just amazing and so exciting. I can't wait to know more about this. Thank you for the wonderful clinical post!!!!!! Tia

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