Certification in NY..help pls


i am male BSN graduate and a RN in the philippines..

im currently wating for CVS to be done..

just wanted to ask...

will nursing homes hire me as a nursing assistant??

or i really need to be certified first..

kindly help please...

thank you!!

Specializes in CNA in LTC, Hospital.

what's cvs? you may get a job outside of a nursing home, i think in ny you need certification to work as a nursing assistant in a nursing home. is there an exam u could take to work as a RN here?is that what the cvs is? i am a cna and prenursing so i am not totally familiar with the requirements but i am pretty sure b/c of either OBRA or OSHA u cant work as a na in a nursing home w/o being certified

What is OBRA or OSHA??

I thought some faculty will hire me even without certification..

To be RN I need to pass the NCLEX..

But before that I need to go through CVS or credential verification service..

Ny state requires foreign grad to go through cvs..

What is OBRA or OSHA??

I thought some faculty will hire me even without certification..

I mean facility..

Specializes in CNA in LTC, Hospital.

I hope your cvs goes well...they may hire you w/o being certified since you are already a RN..i am not so sure.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_Safety_and_Health_Administration This explains osha. osha protects the healthcare workers, OBRA protects the residents in the nursing home. i guess a lot of the nursing assistants they hired for the nursing homes were not properly trained or abused the residents so they created OBRA, under OBRA nursing assistants must be certified before working in nursing homes but in hospitals this is not necessarily the case. i know in ny this is how it is. your case is different though. hopefully u get your cvs taken care of so u can work as a RN..good luck

ok thanks!

goodluck on your career also..:D

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