Published Jan 2, 2014
3 Posts
Any Central Carolina Students that gave give insight on classes? Work load or the class schedule for first semester
162 Posts
I have the same question
57 Posts
i went to the cctech website and looked up schedule search. The spring schedule for nursing 101 was like this:
phamacology 8:30-10:30
Nur 101 12:30-3:30
Nur 101 8:30-12:30
I have already taken my other classes but if you needed A&P you would also need to add that. For the next semester, the schedule was as follows:
Nur 120 8:30-11:00
Clinical 7:00-1:00
If you havent taken the other classes you would need to add Psy 201 and Computer Science 101.
I've been looking at the schedule, but all I need is micro when it comes to prerequisites. So how would that work when there's a semester with one nursing course and prerequisites that you already have. Do you just take that one course. Would you still go the same length of time? I can't wait to ask all of these questions
you can take micro whenever you want. I would take it this summer if I was you . That is a hard class. You would need to take it by the third semester. If you have already taken the other courses then you only take the nursing course. The nursing courses have to be taken in the exact sequence. The classes build on each other.
I know I took it last fall and failed by . 3, I was going to take it this summer because I didn't think I would get into the program, I want to take the summer to prepare mentally and get everything in order. I should do fine this time, I know what to expect and I kept all of my notes.
I will most likely take it second semester since there's only one nursing course that semester.
yeah, thats a good idea, plus 101 is an adjustment so its probably best not to have other things to add on.