Career project for school


Hi! My name is Katlyne and I'm currently enrolled at the University of Cincinnati. I have to do a career presentation for my intro to health professions class. The career group I was put in is nurse anesthetist. My job is to find who they are immediately accountable to and who they report to. Can anyone help me with this?? Thanks!

Specializes in Anesthesia.

It depends on the practice model. I am military so I work in an independent practice model i.e. I do not report to anyone as far as a hierarchy goes in the OR, and I am only immediately accountable to the patient. We work with the surgeon, but we are not supervised by them.

This is in contrast to "supervised" model or Anesthesia Care Team/ACT model. CRNAs are placed under the supervision of an anesthesiologist and report to the anesthesiologist they are working with that day.

Whether it is an independent CRNA model, all anesthesiologist model, or a supervised/ACT model they all provide equal safety to the patient.

I don't know how deep they want you to go on your assignment, but you can also google CRNA supervision. There is definition of supervision that we all know and the definition that is used for billing and legal purposes in anesthesia. The two definitions are very dissimilar.

Okay thank you! That helped a lot. Being able to say how the hierarchy differs depending on where you work will be great for my project!

Specializes in Anesthesia.
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