Career opportunities for an RN/MPH - other than PHN? (cross post)


Specializes in Public Health.

Hello everyone,

I have an MPH (in infectious disease epi; BS in microbiology) and am currently hoping to get into an accelerated BSN program. My past work experience in PH has been primarily in chronic disease surveillance, at the state government level; I also have a couple years experience as an infectious disease epi at CDC. Through my state PH work, I'm familiar with the role of PHN, but I'm wondering: what else is out there for an RN with an MPH degree? I have a strong interest in community health and prevention, and I'm trying to get an idea of what specialties to explore (assuming I'm accepted into the ABSN program, ha!).

Any school nurses out there? Infection control? Anyone employed by an insurance company/hospital to do work site wellness activities? What's it like out there for an RN/MPH? I know PH jobs are hard to find these days, as gov't funding dries up, but I'm hoping that will change in the near future as the healthcare system focuses more on disease prevention.

Thanks for any and all input!

Specializes in Public Health.
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