Career Advice: Assistant Nurse Manager or Staff Nurse


Hi All,

Just need a little career advice. I've been working on a med-surg floor for the past 2 years (working nights) and am enrolled in a Master's of Nursing Administration program. I've been trying to leave my floor because of the awful staffing and stress of the floor. I finally got the job of my dreams, working on a cardiovascular unit, days, no weekends, no holidays. This will allow me to live like a normal person, see my husband more, and actually allow a better school schedule. But at the same time an ANM position (nights) came up and several ANM's are encouraging me to apply. This is my eventual goal to be in management, but I feel like I don't have enough clinical experience, and don't want to be on nights any longer than I have to. I am also afraid it will be way too stressful for me because other's nurses will think I'm underqualified. I also feel that I don't want to stress especially since I'm trying to finish school. What would you do? Work at the job that fits your lifestyle or take a job that will advance your career?

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

When I was younger, I probably would have taken the career opportunity. Such an opportunity might not be available when you want it in the future.

However, as I am older now ... I recommend the cardiovascular job. Keep sane and healthy while you finish school, then seek advancement if you still want it later. Have faith that when the time comes for you to advance, something reasonable will come along. You're in adult med/surg -- where there are more opportunities than other, smaller specialties. When it does, the extra clinical experience will be an advantage. My specialty was NICU, where career advancement opportunities don't come up very often. In your field, there are so many different possibilities that something is bound to come along later.

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