Can't find financial aid


Specializes in Paramedic 15 years, RN now.

I'm starting third sememster soon, also working full time. So far, it's been VERY hard but I'm passing. In researching for student aid, I can't find any. I made "too much money" last year to qualify for most of the most popular ones. And since I go to a trade tech, the school does not qualify for some government money.

I keep hearing from people who say, "the money is out there, you just have to find it." But, so far, i can't find it. Any of it. Aside from going to a regular ole bank and asking about student loans, does ANYONE know of any other place I might try? Of course, I prefer grants, for obvious reasons, but, anything would be better than what I have now...which is nothing.

If anyone has any good info, would u mind sending me a pm?

Look at local hospitals. The ones in my area (Cleveland) will give you $5,000 for each year you are willing to commit to work there up to $10,000.

The way I look at it, you can't beat it. Free money and guaranteed job!

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