Canadian NCLEX-RN Prep


Hey everybody, I have been browsing the site on various threads on this topic, and wanted a clear understanding for Canadian nursing students when it comes to prepping for the NCLEX-RN. What worries me is the avilable textbooks. Im from Nipissing University, and have been doing the Bridging Program for the last 5 years online. Needless to say, I want to make sure I am adequately prepared when I write the test in Octoberish. Here are my concerns:

1. What textbooks have you all found that are useful, and are they Canadian versions? My University simply stated they recommend Lippincott: Pass point/Prep U, as well as elsevier 'HESI' products. When I search for these items, and because they are quite expensive, before purchasing ANY products I want to make sure they are Canadian versions (previous to me creating this thread, I just emailed my university

2. Prep courses? Because I've been doing this program for the last 5 years, has anybody taken any prep courses (NCLEX only pls), and if so which ones? I am in the Greater Toronto area.

3. How long did all of you study for? I remember when I was fresh out of college for my RPN program I studied for about a month, but I was a full-time student at the time, and the information was fresh in my mind, as opposed to now coming up to the 5 year mark from RPN to RN bridging program part time.

Any information helps. We are all different learners, but I am eager to hear from Canadian nurses that took the NCLEX test to become registered nurses within CANADA, and not the US :)


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