Published Apr 16, 2009
1 Post
Hello everyone!
Here's my story:
After 8 months (and because my child will be in Kindergarten in the Fall -- thank you extended care), I am hoping to apply for a clinic nurse position in the same county hospital I oriented with. They have IM/Women's Health/Pedia clinics near my home.
I believe the M-F 8-5 duty hours would be better for me and my child. Although I was successful in re-entering the acute care setting, I've concluded that they only put new RN's on the night shift. My husband is already working nights, so it is not good for our family at this time.
Do you think I have a chance with this clinic job?
I've been reading the forums here and I found out that doctors and fellow RN's do the interview. If you are one of them, what are you looking for a new clinic nurse? What is your day like? Do you really do a lot of teaching?
I enjoy that part of nursing a lot, which can't be done in a nursing home setting (my other option I guess, since I stopped working again).
Thank you everyone for your help!
2 Posts
Hello, I'm a clinic nurse manager and I don't think you would have a problem getting a clinic job because of your experience. If you were a new nurse looking for a clinc job, now that would be hard. I work M-F and my hours are about 6-3. I love it because I have two little guys at home that I need/want to spend time with.