Can anyone help on my discharge plan for pt with big toe amputation due to DM?

Nursing Students General Students


Can anyone help me when pt is diabetic s/p right great toe amputation for gangrene? Thank you!!:)

Specializes in MICU.

Foot care, inspecting the feet daily, insulin administration, their hgb A1C and how often they need to have that checked, dietary needs/'s late and that's all I can think of right now :yawn:

Thank you so much!!!

Specializes in HH, Med/surg- liver & kidney transplant, ortho, ++.

Dont forget about teaching pt of signs and symptoms of infection and delayed healing because of DM. Hyper and hypoglycemic signs and symptoms. The list can go on and on and on. Exercise and when they need to eat because of exercise.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I agree with all. In school they also mentioned to tell the patient not to go around without shoes on. Bandage changes might need to be addressed as well.

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