California State University Long Beach (CSULB) BSN-DNP, FNP

Nursing Students NP Students


Specializes in FNP.

Hello! Anyone here got accepted to CSULB BSN-DNP, FNP? I just want to hear from you guys. How do you guys feel, excited , nervous? And by the way congratulations and good luck to us.

Hi... I'm actually thinking of applying to this program and would really appreciate some guidance. If you have the time, could you PM me. Much thanks. 


I am also thinking of applying but went to the info session and was wondering what they meant by "upper division statistics".  Is this a regular college level statistics course? 


Hello, I have an interview tomorrow for the program. Any tips?

Good morning, I am replying to somone who messaged me privately about how my interview went; however, I cant reply to them, so I will post publicly for the sake of helping others out. The interview went well. I felt it was really quick, and I felt I answered the questions to the best of my ability and knowledge. It also seems that they know that you won't know the answers or be familiar with exactly they are asking for. Seems like they want to get to know you and what you think the answer is. It's good to know beforehand why you want to join the program, why you chose the path you are choosing (Family, gero, acute, or pysch), why you want a doctorate degree, and think about how you will prepare for the program (time, sacrifices, support). The interviewers and all the staff are really nice and supportive. During the first half of the day we wrote a small paper on a published study. Be ready to write to the best of your ability. It's okay if you aren't the best. Just write! We are all nurses, so we are all capable of doing it! Good luck! P.S. I am starting this fall 2024 DNP Family!

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