Burning Question????

U.S.A. Oregon


I am getting ready to start nursing school and i wanted to talk to someone who works as a RN in L&D. I wanted to know what education routes they took and if any special req's are need to work in L&D? Like (Associates Or BSN)

Please someone get back to me

Specializes in CICU / ICU.

RNs with either an ADN or BSN can work in L&D. L&D is a specialty, so sometimes you need gereral experience (med/surg) prior to cross-training to L&D. This isn't always the case, because some nurses graduate nursing school and start directly in some area of the L&D or post-partum. I hope this answers a couple of your questions.

- Evan

Thanks a Bunch!!! I cant seem to decide if i want to get my BSN or ADN. Do you know what are some of the pro's and con's of ADV Vs. BSN????

Specializes in CICU / ICU.

Anymore, both degress take nearly four years to complete if you count the prerequisites. If you have the resources (time and money) to attend a BSN program, then go for it. A BSN will open the door for you if you wish to attend graduate school or work in management down the road. If you are not interested in graduate school or management, then there is negligible difference since you'll be working as an RN with either degree.

- Evan

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