BSN student needs your help

Nurses General Nursing


Ok guys i'm in my last class for my BSN and i'm having trouble with my PICO question. idk why i can't get it right. I want to talk about communication between nurses and patients and how it improves quality patient care. the plan is to implement bedside reporting to solve this issue. This is what I have:

PICO question?

will bedside shift report improve quality patient care when compared to shift report at the nurses' station?

P- (Patient, population, or problem): Poor communication between nurses and patients from shift to shift.

I- (Intervention): Implement the use of bedside shift report.

C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): Compared with report given at the nurse's station.

O- (Desired outcome): Improved communication

Someone help. My brain doesn't know what it wants to do. I think i'm making this more complicated than needed. I want to implement bedside reporting so that there is effective communication between nurses and patients. Involving the patient in their care improves communication between nurses as they are there to catch and correct misconceptions/miscommunication regarding their care. This can only happen if report is given at the bedside rather than at the nurses' station. How do i even measure "improved communication"? patient and nurse surveys? and how to i measure this "improvement"?

I never had issues with PICO question and format in my last class. I just don't know why I can't get it right this time around. Someone help.


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