

Specializes in Stroke Rehab, Elderly, Rehab. Ortho.

Hi Everyone,

I am hoping to get a job in Stroke Rehab (already had an offer) and just wondering if you guys can suggest any good books that might be helpful to me (bearing in mind I am from the UK and moving to the USA for the job)...the hospital I am hoping to work in also has Cardiac/respiratory Rehab and orthopedic rehab anything that will encompass them..(incase I have to "Float" at some point....


The website: has lots of great books. Not sure if they have exactly what you are looking for, but I know they add new books all the time and alot of the books they offer are not available anywhere else.

Specializes in Stroke Rehab, Elderly, Rehab. Ortho.
The website: has lots of great books. Not sure if they have exactly what you are looking for, but I know they add new books all the time and alot of the books they offer are not available anywhere else.

Thanks very much! :)

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