
Specialties CRNA


I have been reading all the post for the last couple of months about failed attempts on the CCNA EXAM. i graduated CRNA school in Dec. and started working and studing. i first took the exam in Jan but without success. I was hoping to be successful this last time around. Now I just frustrated and a little depressed. I wonder if I am just not studing enough or just not concentrating my efforts on the right study material. I'll take the exam again late June or July for the THIRD time. I didn't think I would have this much trouble. Please could anyone help me.

Specializes in ICU, Surgery.
:specs: I am not a CRNA but wanted to welcome you to AllNurses! I am sure some CRNAs or SRNAs will be by to help.


I graduated from anesthesia school a few weeks ago with the great intent of studying 8-10 hours a day straight for 30 days...planned on hitting the memorymaster and sweatbook at least 3 times before the boards, even rented a place to get away for a month so I can "FOCUS"! I even bought the prodigy software. Newsflash: one and a half week later, I still can't get myself to really focus and get motivated. I have only studied a total of 4 hours the last week and read the first 50 pages of memorymaster and still fighting to tear myself off the TV screen...I can't understand it myself...I used to be so driven. I worked my butt off when I was in school, studying till 3AM, only to get up and be at clinicals by 6AM...Anybody else having the same issues?

Hi, I wish I could help you, I have not taken the exam yet but I can tell you that I know of two really good CRNA's that did not pass on the first time. Good luck to you!

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency.

I graduated from anesthesia school a few weeks ago with the great intent of studying 8-10 hours a day straight for 30 days...planned on hitting the memorymaster and sweatbook at least 3 times before the boards, even rented a place to get away for a month so I can "FOCUS"! I even bought the prodigy software. Newsflash: one and a half week later, I still can't get myself to really focus and get motivated. I have only studied a total of 4 hours the last week and read the first 50 pages of memorymaster and still fighting to tear myself off the TV screen...I can't understand it myself...I used to be so driven. I worked my butt off when I was in school, studying till 3AM, only to get up and be at clinicals by 6AM...Anybody else having the same issues?

cancel your t.v. service... that should help ~

Thanks, I think I'll unplug the TV. Just spoke with fellow classmates and the general concensus was we were tired and burnt out and just needed to decompress, so now that I have more than enough time to decompress, I'm ready to hit the books again.

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