Blinn ADN Spring 2016


Hi! So I have a question for anyone that has been through the blinn ADN program.

I got into Blinn for the 2016 spring semester, but I'm having some issues with the immunizations. I'm good on all of them except the Hep B. I had the series when I was younger, but my titer was super low. As a result I'm not going to be done with my series before classes start..

The information on blinn'a website says you have to be completely through by the first day of class to be able to continue, but the certified profile they make you fill out makes it sound like you just have to document that you had it, took the titer, and have started your series. I'll be able to take my second shot within the first week of classes.

I can't call and talk to blinn for another week because the holiday, so any insight would be appreciated!

Hi! I am also starting at Blinn in Jan 2016! I have completed my 3 hepatitis B shots, but can't get my titer drawn until 6 weeks after my last shot. From what I understood, we can have our hepatitis series still in progress once classes start. I'm not sure if there is a final deadline for it maybe sometime later in the spring. Maybe we can get more definite answers during orientation!

I hope so! Orientation is just so far away lol are you at the Bryan or Brenham campus?

I know! I'm counting down the days til orientation. I will be at the Bryan campus. What about you?

Same! I'm ready to get our schedules and stuff. Definitely ready to get this show on the road

Cool! I will see you there then! I can't believe it's almost here but I am definitely ready to start.

Hey, after applications were due -- how long did it take for y'all to find out if you got in?

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