Published Feb 4, 2008
6 Posts
Hello all,
Just wondering if any of you out there have any good advice for someone newly dx with Bipolar II and working the noc shift. I have been working my shift for the last 4.5 yrs from 19-0730. I have been working a 6 wk rotational sched with working every Sun and Mon of those 6 wks and 3 Tues/3Wed as well. I try to convert back over to a day routine when I am not working and just recently have been finding it difficult to find the energy to do anything. I am now up to 100mg of Lamictal QD and 20mg of Lexapro. I have read up on some research regarding Bipolar and the Circadian rythyms and keeping a strict sleeping schedual and such. My girlfriend brought up possibly doing the tanning bed for a couple of minutes a week but I have heard and read thats a no-no as well. Would dig some input if ya have any.
54 Posts
My advice would be to switch to evenings if your hospital offers it. After I was diagnosed Bipolar I read a book by Kay Jamison "Touched by Fire." Most people in a manic phase typically fall asleep at around 3 or 4am. This is true for me. Anyway, I sleep great now that I made the switch (I sleep from about 4 to 12) I take very little in terms of meds and feel great (have for a few years now). Seriously, if you want your life back (and your sanity) try evenings. I tried the 20 mins/day in the sun thing as well as a set sleeping schedule. They don't work. I tried EVERYTHING. Please consider it. You will feel soo much better. K. :pumpiron: