Bilious drainage from replogle....


I had a patient a few months back that came to us for bowel obstruction. The baby had an ELAP and bowel resection done so the obstruction was resolved. A week later, still NPO, the baby was having bilious drainage from the replogle. I know bile is a normal secretion, but I was always taught that when you see green, it means obstruction. Would this be true in this situation? I got confused as well since I know that bile is secreted into the duodenum and not the stomach where the replogle is.

Any explanations are helpful. Thanks!!

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

It can just mean things aren't moving along yet, slow peristalsis. You also have to look at the big picture, how are the bowel sounds, is the belly soft or hard, is the baby pooping at all. Sometimes, especially after a resection(s) it takes a little while to get the peristalsis back, Guts hate to be messed with. If the kid has a bad GI look, they should to an upper and lower GI to see if their is a blockage.

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