Best loan for accelerated bsn program?


I had a quick question I was hoping to get some helpful input on this topic. I'm going through an accelerated BSN program at UHV, and I'm looking for a low interest loan to help pay for school as well as all my living expenses since I will not be able to work. I'm looking at ~$30,000 for the year. I'm not going to see what I'm eligible from my school for financial aid until close o the start of classes. My problem is that I wont be able to receive my financial aid from the school until around February. The school will be covered by my financial aid that is being processed, but my problem is that I am going to have to take a separate loan out to pay for my apt and living expenses. I was wondering if anybody has any input on the best loans I should look into for paying for everything else other than tuition. I had planned on maxing out my student loans but as is stated I wont be able to see any off that money until around Feburary. Any and all information on these topic would be greatly appreciated.



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