Best CNA study book for state certification exam?


I just finished a ten-week CNA training class through a local community college, and I am planning on taking the Arizona state CNA certification exam - written and skills tests, sometime in November or December - probably late November if I get the time and location I want. I did have an employer-supplied textbook that we used for class "Being A Nursing Assistant", by Francie Wolgin, 7th Ed., and I thought it was pretty good, but I have to return it so other students can use it.

My question is: What is the best study guide/text to study from for the CNA boards? I will probably go to and check it out there too.... I'd like something that has lots of representative sample questions that duplicate the written exam well, plus a CD/DVD that goes through the skills testing procedures (that's where I'm going to need the most help on - I'm fairly confident about the written test part). What has worked for all of you out there who've taken your CNA cert exam?

Since you seem to have the written down why don't you locate the same book as you used in the class? You need to keep practicing the skills part - esp. if you are taking the test in November. Empoyer supplied? Anyone at work suggest one?

I bought a CD from Avanza which was a little bit helpful, although the skill steps only approximately matched my state's requirements. I think watching the CNA videos on You Tube helped me. There are many, some are better than others.

Our text was the big Mosby book, but I barely read any of it. And the CD was useless. Really, the best way to solidify your skills is to practice them until you feel like you don't even have to think about them in terms of steps. While you practice it may be helpful to have flashcards in your pocket (writing the steps helps too) in case you get stuck at some point.

The written test is cake. If you've gotten the basics out of the lecture portion, you will pass that. The critical part, skills, is not something a book will help you with.

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