best answers to these interview questions


Hi all

Have just found out that I was unsuccessful in my interview for one of the few jobs going in my area.

Can anyone give me guidance on how I SHOULD have answered these questions please?

1 Why is communication important?

2 How do you ensure effective communication between the mdt?

3 If you come on shift and discover you are the only nurse in charge of a bay of 6 patients what should you do?

4 What do you do if a patient tells you he has received the wrong drug at the last drug round?

5 What are the mots important aspects of the code of conduct?

6 How do you plan to keep yourself up to date?

thanks in advance


Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

I know my response is not what you are looking for, but there are no right or worng answers to these kinds of questions.

When presented with such a question in an interview, take a deep breath, THINK about your answer, then relay it as clearly as possible. If you are truly stumped, ask the interviewer to come back to that question later in the interview.

If you go into an interview with standard or pat answers to these questions, you will not have the opportunity to find out whether you are well-suited to working in that institution. You need to give YOUR response, based on YOUR experience, YOUR desires, YOUR abilities, etc, or you may find yourself working in an institution that is completely unacceptable to you.

Good luck!

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