Published Jul 6, 2016
1 Post
So in Aug 2015 I graduated nursing school, and found out that finals week (my last week of my last semester) that I was pregnant. Also turned out I began suffering from hyperemesis- I literally threw up NON stop and I kept ending up in the ER. So by the time I passed NCLEX in November, I had planned on applying for jobs- but was literally still suffering from hyperemesis. Until I was about 4/5 months pregnant I finally got a medication ($100 for 2 week supply!) to somewhat control it. But if I didn't take the medication I was violently ill..So I literally couldn't work, and by the time it was semi-controlled I was showing and no one wanted to hire a pregnant woman. So in March I had my baby girl, and I'm ready to go back to work ( I have applied for jobs) but I'm nervous I have forgotten everything. It's been almost a year now since I have been in school and have had no experience at all. Has anyone else had anything similar happen, or any programs known to help "refresh" your memory? Thanks