Bedside RN to Pediatric Clinic RN


I have decided to make the switch to outpatient/ clinic pediatric nursing. I am really excited as the hours and pay exceeded what I was expecting to get. Not to mention holidays off. I have experience in adult med surge and mom- baby/ some NICU training. 

While I understand this role will be less hands on than working bedside, I would really like some tips to make me excel at my job. I have no clinical experience working with kids other than newborns or NICU babies. 

For those with kids, or those who've worked with kids, what is something a nurse has done to make doctors visits a little less stressful for your kids? What are some tips and tricks for when I am meeting these parents and kids? What can I do to make the overall experience better, especially when my patient is in a stressful situation (sick, vaccines, etc.)

Does anyone know of any references I could use in my current free time to make me a better pediatric nurse?

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Retired - ER, School Health, Quality, Case Managem.

Healthy is a great website for parents but will help you get a better understanding of childhood illnesses and treatments. The information is also similar to the triage reference books used in clinics - same MD. BARTON Schmidt 

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