Published May 29, 2014
68 Posts
Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone is applying to this coming semester, is currently enrolled in, or has graduated from Bainbridge College's RN program. I am heavily considering applying.
If you are applying for this coming semester start, what is your background? What are your academic stats? What do you plan to do after graduation?
If you are currently in, or have graduated from the program, what were your academic stats when you applied? Did you have all of your gen ed classes completed? What was your experience in the program like?
If you graduated already, do you feel that you were prepared for the NCLEX? How easy was it to find work upon graduation? What type of work/Which facilities were you able to find work in? If you don't mind answering, what starting pay did you receive?
Thanks in advance.
8 Posts
Hi @hopefull1n30188,
I know I'm a little late reading this message, but I am applying to the Bainbridge RN program this year (FALL 2017), and I was wondering if you got in. It's been 3 years since you wrote this, but I was just wondering if you found out anymore information about the school.
13 Posts
Hello @GraceRichard,
The same thing with me. I applied for this Fall but was also wondering if anybody knows about the program.
For example, I don't know how competitive the program is. Also, I don't know how helpful the instructors are, especially as the students have to score 95% on the exit exam before they can graduate. Do you leave in Bainbridge? I live in Atlanta but will move if it works out. Not 100% sure if I will be attending since I live almost 5 hours from Bainbridge. Let me know if you find more information.
Hey @Chiny,
Sorry for the late response. I haven't been on here in a while lol. So nice to here from you though!
I also live in Atlanta. My GPS has me at 4 hours away from Bainbridge. IF/When I get in, I'd definitely move there. I wish I found out more information about the program through nursing students already there, or maybe even a post on about the school, but I can't find anything. I can't even find any reviews about the school.
I just really want to know about the competition and my chances of getting in lol. Let me know if you've found out anything :)
Talk to you soon.
Hi @GraceRichard,
Do you know if they have sent out letters yet? I haven't received any letter myself - whether acceptance or denial. I hope they decide soon as we're going to relocate to Bainbridge. It's gonna be a big move. Really wanna know my status - Fingers crossed.
Haven't heard anything about the school from a students perspective. Don't know how competitive it is. Hope we get in. :)
I haven't heard anything yet, but I got accepted to GA Highlands College, so now I won't be going to Bainbridge
Wow! Big congrats, dear!!! I am happy for you. I applied to other schools as well so hopefully, one of them will give me admission. Good luck in your future education/career!
Thank you so much! And yeah, I applied to 5 schools just in case I didn't get into my school of choice í ½í¸‚