Baby Care Video


I'm the discharge coordinator in our level 3 NICU. I'm looking for recommendations for family education videos for discharge teaching. I would like a simple baby care video. It would be great if it had some premie stuff! Our population is mostly long term, so I'd really like a video without OB information as it no longer applies by the time most of our moms are taking their baby home. To complicate things, I'd like a Spanish version to be available. Any suggestions would be great.

You can pm me at

Thanks so much

I had left my email in my original post, but I guess that's not advised in this forum. So if you just leave a post in the thread if you have info, that would be great. Thanks!:nurse:

I'm the discharge coordinator in our level 3 NICU. I'm looking for recommendations for family education videos for discharge teaching. I would like a simple baby care video. It would be great if it had some premie stuff! Our population is mostly long term, so I'd really like a video without OB information as it no longer applies by the time most of our moms are taking their baby home. To complicate things, I'd like a Spanish version to be available. Any suggestions would be great.

here are a couple programs I like alot

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