Army Reserve Nurse Corp


howdy! i'm interested in joining a reserve as a nurse. i will graduate in may with an adn. we had an army recruiter come today and give us all the pros of joining the army reserve nurse corp. i was wondering if there are any of you who are already serving in such a position who could give me some advice or your opinions/experiences. also, would the airforce be a better choice? i have not spoken with anyone from air force. would it be similar to the army (one weekend/month, 2 weeks/year, and deployments)? how is it better/worse (besides the uniforms:))?

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
howdy! i'm interested in joining a reserve as a nurse. i will graduate in may with an adn. we had an army recruiter come today and give us all the pros of joining the army reserve nurse corp. i was wondering if there are any of you who are already serving in such a position who could give me some advice or your opinions/experiences. also, would the airforce be a better choice? i have not spoken with anyone from air force. would it be similar to the army (one weekend/month, 2 weeks/year, and deployments)? how is it better/worse (besides the uniforms:))?

feel free to send me a pm with specific questions on the usar army nurse corps.

Specializes in Anesthesia.
howdy! i'm interested in joining a reserve as a nurse. i will graduate in may with an adn. we had an army recruiter come today and give us all the pros of joining the army reserve nurse corp. i was wondering if there are any of you who are already serving in such a position who could give me some advice or your opinions/experiences. also, would the airforce be a better choice? i have not spoken with anyone from air force. would it be similar to the army (one weekend/month, 2 weeks/year, and deployments)? how is it better/worse (besides the uniforms:))?

i know the airforce doesn't accept adn's into the nurse corps, and i think the army is the only one that will accept adn's.

good luck!

lol, yeah that's what the recruiter said, but i wasn't sure if that was actually true or if he was just saying that to get us to sign the dotted line for him a little faster!

thank ya'll for the quick replies!

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
I know the AirForce doesn't accept ADN's into the nurse corps, and I think the Army is the only one that will accept ADN's.

Good Luck!

I received your PM, and will answer in-depth to the best of my ability. However, in the meanwhile you might want to check out this link Army Nurse Corps Specialties & Requirements

BTW, make sure you talk to only a Army Health Care Recruiter.

i would like to know more about the Army reserves. im currently in the National guard and stuck in an MOS i hate. i dont know why i chose chemical...but anyways.. i talked to a rotc recruiter at my school and he says once i get my BSN, i have a 6 year commitment to the reserves or ng..(my choice) i guess im asking if anyone has any advise,. does the army reserves do more than stand around all day. that is what i feel like i do in the NG, do you actually work in a hospital as a nurse on the weekend or not? also if you are in the reserves, what is the likliness of getting deployed? better or worse? if you are in, how long and how many deployments have you been on? in the NG i feel like they add a ton of exta training that we "HAVE" to attend. i thought the contract said 2 weeks a year not 6 lol. is the reserves the same or is it strictly 2 weeks a year and one weekend a month? minus deployents of course. im just curious. please let me know thanks in advance, ashley

I received your PM, and will answer in-depth to the best of my ability. However, in the meanwhile you might want to check out this link Army Nurse Corps Specialties & Requirements

BTW, make sure you talk to only a Army Health Care Recruiter.

has anyone had any luck geting any information from recruiters about a direct commission in the army national guard or reserve?? I just graduated with an AS in nursing and have contacted both reserve and national guard recruiters but nobody has gotten back to me yet, and it's been several weeks. Any ideas on who to call or email anymore?

Did you call or email? I've heard others say you are less likely to hear back if you email. If you called already, call again, and keep calling until you talk to someone.

Good luck! :)


I emailed them, nothing back yet. I'll have to start calling after the holidays. Thanks!

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