Are the majority of CNA jobs in nursing homes/LTC?


How likely is to work in a hospital if you're a CNA? I've been browsing through openings for jobs, and almost all are for nursing homes or long term care. I wouldn't mind working in this area, but my goal is to become a pediatrics nurse. I know experience is experience, but I feel like it would be more beneficial for me to start working in the field that I am interested in. Do hospitals not hire as many CNA's because they have too many other workers to pay? Or do nursing homes hire CNA's mainly because they can't afford nurses? How likely is to find a CNA position at a hospital? I've been browsing through comments here, and it seems like almost all of the CNA's either work in nursing homes, LTC, or the ER. I haven't encountered anyone who's worked as a CNA in the pediatrics department.

Hospitals DO hire CNAs sometimes, but some require you to take extra classes, and most want experience.

Have you considered a pediatric long term care facility? I work at a facility for developmentally disabled children and I absolutely love it.

Have you considered a pediatric long term care facility? I work at a facility for developmentally disabled children and I absolutely love it.

Oh, thank you!!! It didn't even cross my mind.

I am definitely looking into it. :)

No problem! They're usually called Children's Homes. Really really rewarding work. :)

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