Published May 26, 2007
2 Posts
Don't know what to do. I was in a car accident. I had 2 discs removed C3-4 and C5-6, cages placed and then fusion. I still have 2 small herniations elsewhere in the neck.
I had just spent the past 2 years in school. I wasn't about to give up on my ambitions. I made it thru clinicals with a lot of leeway but now I have to face real life. Most floors don't even want you if you haven't put your time into med/surg...which is what I love anyway.
I already have been getting warned from different people as I work my way thru the processing (i've been accepted at a hospital) and paperwork that after all this I may not get a job anyway...if I can't perform the tasks blah blah blah. I still have to pass the weight lifting part of the physical. to be honest...i'm terrified of the potential pain. I
'm not sure I need an answer as much as people to talk to about this. Anyone else experiencing this situation? herniated discs and still working? sigh.
115 Posts
my DH had similar op but C5-6 only on June 3 and was cleared for full duty on NOv 12. This was several years ago, he took Vioxx as needed esp after a long trying day, but had no restrictions. Has your doctor not cleared you to go back to work? Do you have a lawsuit pending for disability charges against the other driver or insurance company? If not I do not see a problem here.