Applying for Entry-level MSN in California, low stats. Advice?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello current and aspiring nurses,

I would like your input on applying for entry-level MSN programs in California and surrounding states. My stats are relatively low, but they meet the minimum requirements for most programs.

This is my story:

I am a UC Davis Alum with a B.S. in Biochemistry. My undergraduate GPA is 3.20. I am in the process of completing my prereqs at a community college, and have gotten A's in all my classes (Anatomy, Physiology, chemistry, pharmacology). I am planning to take the TEAS and GRE in the upcoming months.

Aside from my academic profile, I have 4 years of leadership experience in student organizations at the college level. After I graduated, I was employed full-time at a pharmaceutical company while working on my prereqs. I have been volunteering in the ER for 2 years (and continuing to do so), and I am working on my Phlebotomy CPT-1 license so that I can work in the hospital while I work on my applications.

I truly feel that I have demonstrated my strong work ethic and passion for the nursing profession; however, after looking at the admissions statistics for many programs in my area, it seems like your grades and TEAS/GRE scores are the most important factors in the evaluation process. Considering that my statistics are relatively low, I feel that I need to be evaluated on a different level.

I am still in the process of researching Entry-Level MSN programs, but the ones that I've decided are USF, SMU, & UC Davis.

What are your suggestions/tips for applying to graduate-level nursing school with low stats? Please share your experiences. Thank you!

You've done a lot outside of class which is good and can help you get in. I'd say just do your best on the TEAs and GRE and apply to as much schools as you can. Don't limit yourself to those three either. There's not much else to do since you've done what's required and much more through your work experience. So just apply and do well on any interviews.

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