Applying CSU East Bay for fall 2011?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone!

I am soo excited that I can finally apply to nursing school! wahooo.. but its also a bit of a scare because its so hard to get in!

I was wondering if any of you have started the nursing application yet. I started mine yesterday. Is anyone else having trouble putting in grades? I am currently at Foothill college taking my last pre-reqs...but for the application... csu east bays anatomy and physiology 1, is equivalent to my schools first 2 anatomy classes (bio40a and bio40b)...does anyone know what to do about this? i e-mailed the nursing department but have not heard back i was wondering if any of you know of or are having a similar problem.

thanks for reading

hope to hear back! :)


I got the same problem too. But you know, I entered BIO 40A and 40B at the same box while BIO 40C on the next box. I'm attending De Anza right now. Do you have IP classes this quarter? Hmm, I'm so anxious about the TEAS test. When are you taking it? Hope to hear from you.


Hi Leslie!

I called csu east bay a couple of days ago and the lady said to put bio 40 A in the first box, and then to put bio 40b in the box underneath that's for the lab. She said that they will look it up themselves but to go ahead and put both classes down.

Yes i do have in progress classes. I'm taking micro, bio 40c, and english 1a. AHHHH i dying!!!! its the micro thats killing me!! i can't wait until i'm done with this quarter!! How about yourself?

As for the teas, I am planning on taking them at foothill because foothill offeres multiple test dates and its really convenient. I'm really nervous about it too! My GPA is depending on this micro class and im really i really want to score high on the teas! I'm planning on taking the teas sometime in november. how about u? have u started studying for it yet?

Besides that, is it just me or are u really nervous and scared about east bay too? There's so many applicants and only 130 spots!! They say the average GPA is 3.7...but i'm wondering if you can get in with a lower GPA....

Hope to hear from you soon! Maybe we'll be future classmates!! :)



First, I didn't know that foothill offers the TEAS test. Thanks for telling me that. Secondly, I am also taking Micro, Chem 30B, and Philo 4 this quarter and it's killing me ! That's why I don't really want to take the test until the quarter's over. I think there's one scheduled in January 22 at San Jose State. As for the GPA, I think you'll be okay if you have a 3.7 GPA or below as long as you make it sure that you'll get a high score on the TEAS test. I called East Bay and they told me that the grades this quarter will be included in the final calculation of GPA with the nursing application. So, let's just do our best we can. LOL. If I were you, don't take the TEAS this November. Well, not unless you have time to study for that. With me, I don't really have time to study since I'm so concentrated in getting a good grade with my classes this quarter. Did you apply to another institution other than East Bay? Btw, from whom did you hear that the average GPA for people getting to the nursing program is 3.7? Also, have you started studying for the TEAS?



Yea i know how u feel my classes are killing me too!! Yea i was thinking of waiting to take the teas until my quarter is over too! LOL. As for the GPA situation, i e-mailed the nursing department and they said the average student admitted had a gpa of 3.7 and a teas score of 88%... So far i have a gpa of 3.7, but when i entered the grade in for csu east bay, it said my GPA was 3.5, which scared me because i calcualted it my self and it was 3.7. I think it's lower because there are in progress classes or something. did this happen to u as well?

I'm going to start studying for the teas after my finals in december, because right now like u, i need to spend all my time studying for my classes. Im hoping for a score of 90+ on the teas? how about urself?

If you dont mind me asking, how is ur gpa?

oh and i forgot! no im only applying to csu east bay because sf state and sjsu require you to have ur pre-reqs done before u reply...i think? do you know about that? or am i wrong?

Hello again,

Well, right now I just have a GPA of 3.66 on my nursing application coz I still have 3 IP classes. I hope that will change at the end of the quarter. But you know what, even if I try to get A's in all my classes this quarter, my GPA will only be 3.76. If only they'll based the calculation with our the overall GPA, I guess our GPA will have more chances of getting in. I heard that if we get a high score on the TEAS, our accumulated points will even out or something.

I didn't apply at SJSU cos I don't really want to stress myself with the WST test. As for SFSU, their supplemental nursing application and TEAS test is due on NOvember 30, and as like I said earlier, that's so soooon. I don't have time to study for the test yet. However, I applied at CSU Sacramento since their application is all due in March. You know what, try also appying at community colleges. Some schools still do the lottery system, unlike De Anza. Chabot College will open for application this NOvember 30-January 30, so there's no harm in trying there too, yo know. Also, I have a friend who got accepted at Ohlone College for Spring 2011 just by lottery, so I'll also try that if CSU east bay will reject me. LOL.

Just want to ask, are you bilingual and have health related experience?

wow thats awesome! I'm just really scared because when i calculate my GPA its a 3.7, but on the east bay application it says 3.5...AHHHH!!!

I need to get an A in all of my classes this quarter to get my 3.7, if not, ill end up with a 3.6...but yea i've also heard that if you score high on the teas, your points will even out. I've heard that if you have a lower GPA and a high teas score it can still be good, and if u get some bonus points for being bilingual and or healthcare experience.

Yes i am bilingual in Punjabi, but i dont have any paid health care work experience. What about yourself?


I can speak Tagalog (I'm Filipino), but like you, I don't have any paid health care experience either. well, let's just study for the TEAS. LOL. Anyway, if you want we can study together once the quarter is over. in all your science prereqs, do you have a 4.0 gpa?


I applied to CSU East Bay for Fall 2011 also. Where else have you applied?

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