Published Jan 14, 2007
1 Article; 2,512 Posts
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone else was starting any type of program at Columbia University School of Nursing this fall.....
I'll be starting their Neonatal NNP program part-time while working full time and commuting from NJ...
Looking forward to hearing from you all!
240 Posts
Congratulations! I'm not starting anything but I'll still be here.
All right! Finally someone I'll "know" when I get there this fall. What program are you currently in? When do you graduate? What do you think of the Masters programs in general?
I'm doing a dual degree program (MPH) part-time, so in all likelihood I'll be here till at least 2010. I'm doing FNP with a subspecialty in HIV mgmt and probably also Integrative therapies. I haven't started my clinicals yet but I did do the ETP program and all of my undergrad clinicals were really great and I felt I learned a lot. My impression so far of the masters classes is the smaller, specialized classes are great and the big ones are horrible. So far my favorite class was Maternal/Fetal/Newborn physiology even though it was taught by the same professor as Adv. Phys and patho which I didn't care for, but MFN only had 30 students versus 160 in the others.
NNP and PNP are 2 of the better organized programs in the school because the director is really on top of things. I like to do my own thing a little so for my tastes she is a little too involved but some people like that. And hey, you get a free Treo 700 because of it.
Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions