anyone from Slippery Rock or Fort Hays??


Hello everyone! still researching the which school to do online bsn. i have some ques for anyone currently attending or graduated from either Slippery Rock, or Fort Hays...anyone out there? i'd like to do some comparison shopping!:)

Specializes in OR, PACU, GI, med-surg, OB, school nursing.

Hi! I will be starting the RN-BSN program at Slippery Rock in three weeks. So far all my correspondence with them has been very positive, i.e. they get back to me very quickly and there have been no nasty surprises with transferring in courses or anything like that. It seems very promising so far.

Hi! I will be starting the RN-BSN program at Slippery Rock in three weeks. So far all my correspondence with them has been very positive, i.e. they get back to me very quickly and there have been no nasty surprises with transferring in courses or anything like that. It seems very promising so far.

I've been looking at slippery rock too. I would be interested in your experience with the courses. I was hoping for an rn to msn option, but they only have that at certain locations.

Specializes in OR, PACU, GI, med-surg, OB, school nursing.

I just started at SRU a few weeks ago; I'm only taking one class, but so far things are going very well. I'm enjoying it and I wish I had registered for two classes instead of one, because so far it's pretty easy. Some people who had never taken a class on Blackboard before were pretty lost at the beginning, but I think everyone has the hang of it now.

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