Published May 20, 2022
5 Posts
I recently encountered the term "deline" in one of the private hosp in Australia. I was just wondering if anyone else is using it. I've been nursing quite a while and has been a RN in 3 countries. Anyway while at work, I saw it. Pt had a CVC with IV fluids, PCA and IDC. So I assumed deline means only disconnecting PCA and IVF, leaving CVC access and IDC. Apparently, everything has to come out. I am a floater and only one ward is using that term.
946 Posts
I have not encountered the term in practice, but can see how it can refer to removal of all lines.
I most often see notes from infectious disease stating something along the lines of "recommend removal of all central access due to positive blood cultures, recommendations discussed with attending and primary RN".