Published Oct 20, 2005
9 Posts
I'm moving back to the Portland area after 4 years in Wisconsin, where I'm already IN a nursing program. We miss the northwest, so there's no way we won't make this move. I'm aware of some pretty stiff competition for admission to the BSN programs in Portland. I'm a post-bacc student with a 3.9 sciences GPA. I've heard that most programs look positively on older, more mature and previously educated students.
Anyone have info on Concordia's program - good, bad or indifferent - including # of applications to accepted ratios? I asked my current clinical nursing instructor to look at their program based on their website information. She said that they have more of a focus on acute care instead of say, health promotion like my current program. New programs typically have some kinks, but since Concordia is "franchised" in other cities with nursing programs (there is one in Milwaukee,WI I'm aware of), how could it be a poor program?
Thanks in advance for your replies....
93 Posts
Concordia is a brand new program in Portland so I don't know much about it. It is a private christian school too I think. OHSU's program is in the top 10 in the nation. There is also University of Portland and Linfield College, all BSN programs in Portland. Good luck!
72 Posts
OHSU's graduate program is in the top 10 in the nation, not their undergraduate program. I researched schools and decided University of Portland was the best fit for me. We just became the largest nursing school (undergraduate) in Oregon this year. You can also compete for a Providence scholarship which will pay for all of your tuition. Good luck.