Published Aug 5, 2008
299 Posts
I am getting soooo angry at our other ICUs!!! It seems that when it comes to admits we always get the crap end of the deal. I work in a MICU and we take care of basically everything if another ICU cant or wont handle it. A lot of time its the latter. It seems that when they have an empty bed and we dont the other ICUs do one of 2 things: they give us one of their crappier patients; one that needs a sitter, has festering wounds, or some other unpleasant to get a stable admit from the ED OR they say NOOO we cant possibly take this unstable patient and they'll take one of OURS so we can get the bad admit. I am getting SO TIRED of this crap!! We are playing musical patients because it seems ALL other ICUs wont take patients, even if are patients specific for their area like neuro or cardiac. We just get dumped on. Anyone else getting dumps like this? It makes me so angry!!