Nursing Students Pre-Nursing
Published Apr 10, 2009
I got in 09
24 Posts
I got in for fall of 09 at sac. I just want to know who else uses this website that will be in the program fall 09:yeah:.
2 Posts
Congratulations! I started the program in January 2009. Do you know who your instructor is (look on PALS)?
Here are a few hints:
1) Buy your books at L&M now or after May 4th (finals will be over for most).
L&M has a bigger section of nursing books than the SAC bookstore.
2) Start reading now!
3) Kozier (Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice)
First Week reading due Chapter 1, 2, 3, 6, 35, 10, 11
Second Week reading due Chapter 26 (we had a holiday)
Third Week reading due Chapter 18, 39, 41, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23 etc.....
4) When you buy your Kozier book sent up your My Nursing Lab now. Do
the activities for each chapter (Pre-Test and Post-Test).
5) Get lots of sleep in the summer, take some time for yourself, simplify your life,
remove any stressors, be very flexible (they change your schedule at the last
minute), if you work reduce your hours, clean your house right before
the fall semester starts (you might not get another chance), buy extra underwear
and socks if you have kids (no time to do laundry) and enjoy the wild ride of
SAC nursing school.
I was not prepared for the first couple of weeks. Flex I will seem very disorganized, but it will get better. You have to take it one day at a time.
Let me know if you have any questions and Good Luck!
Thank for the advice. You made some really good points. Do you think that the instructors are very helpful if you ask? What type of clinical times did you work in the first semester? Do you like the program? I went to Sac today for a meeting with project quest they will pay 100% of books tuition and uniforms have you heard of them? In how often do you have test? :nuke:
i heard project quest is a great program. the books alone can be very expensive.
some of the first level instructors can be scary, but once you get to know them they are helpful if you ask.
i like the program (a little disorganized), but i was never prepared for the heavy work load (here i am still doing my careplan at 1:00 a.m.).
i had lecture in the evening (4:00-8:00) on monday and tuesday. i had clinicals from 1:00-6:30 p.m. on wednesday and thursday. they also offered a morning lecture at 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and clinicals at 6:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. you will also have to attend open labs and check offs for different skills on times other than your lecture or clinical times.
you will have 3 test (approx. every other week) and a final exam. there is also online quizzes.
good luck and it will be worth it in the end!
98 Posts
What is project quest?
How was the entrance exam? Hesi?
At SAC you dont have to take an entrance exam. It is only about your gpa. You do have to take an exit exam hesi. I hope this was helpful.
Project Quest pays for nursing school 100% at certain schools in San Antonio. I'm just starting the process but it seems to be a wonderful support system. I'm excited about getting in the program.