Anyone in Citrus or Marion County Or nearby...CFCC Bachelor program


Specializes in Cardiac.


ok cfcc (central florida community college) has posted a survey asking students, employers, and people of the community to give their input on bachelor programs to be offered at cfcc.

now i personally think it would be great, for i live in the area and to get a bachelor's in nursing or any other disciple i would have to either go online and pay out the rear or head over to the gainesville, orlando, tampa area. i don't know what types of programs they plan to offer, there are some questions on which ones you would be interested in, of course i said health care and emphasized nursing.

if you live in the area (or just want to take the survey) and think that this might interest you there is a link to the survey (it takes maybe 5 min) on the main page

here is the direct link to the survey because in some browsers the link does not show up.

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