Published Jul 19, 2007
2 Posts
hi, i want to ask if anybody here has taken a masters degree at pchs? i am planning to enroll in this school. please give me some feedbacks. thanks
9 Posts
I wonder what you did. Did you enroll at PCHS? If u did then maybe you're already finished. Are you happy with the education at PCHS?
4 Posts
if youre gonna apply as a CI in FEU or CEU with a Masters degree from PCHS, they wont honor. that was what my college prof. told us. I am pursuing my MAN @ PWU thru distance learning.
Can you find out why that degree from PCHS is not acceptable? It means something when he says that, I wonder what it is.
Also can you see what he thinks about a degree from Lasallette Univ?
yau ming
1 Post
can you give me some information about the distance learning from PWU? i would like to enroll & no idea about it. thanks!
131 Posts
I had a few CIs who got their masters from that school. We had to undergo rotations in a public hospital which carried their own CIs. I'm not talking about every graduate from there, but with these particular CIs, I knew more than what they did.
Based only on my experience with graduates from there, I wouldn't enroll there. Maybe others have better things to say about that school.
31 Posts
I am currently enrolled at UST..
Nothing to know it is one of reputable university here in Phil.