Anybody from Philadelphia area?


Specializes in Anesthesia, ICU, Oncology.

I applied to several schools in the Philadelphia area and I have one interview lined up in 3 three weeks. Any ideas about what the questions will be like? Anybody here that went, is going to, or interviewed at Drexel that can help me with what to expect for the interview?


Drexel has one of the more relaxed interviews in the area. Know you hemodynamics, ACLS protocols. You will probably get a few questions about yourself such as goals, strengths, weaknesses, and then have to answer some clinical based questions. Just stay calm and do the best that you can. If you don't know something, don't try to BS them.

Specializes in Anesthesia, ICU, Oncology.
Drexel has one of the more relaxed interviews in the area. Know you hemodynamics, ACLS protocols. You will probably get a few questions about yourself such as goals, strengths, weaknesses, and then have to answer some clinical based questions. Just stay calm and do the best that you can. If you don't know something, don't try to BS them.

Thanks for that! Did you interview there? Are you in school or about to be in school?

Yes I did interview there and everyone was very nice. I am currently in my first year as an SRNA. Good luck at the interview.

Specializes in Anesthesia, ICU, Oncology.
Yes I did interview there and everyone was very nice. I am currently in my first year as an SRNA. Good luck at the interview.

Thank you!!!

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