Any Victoria, B.C nurses coming to dragonboat races this weekend? My team is racing.


I rarely post anything personal, but I am so excited I just have to do so just this once--if anybody on allnurses is from Victoria, B.C. or will be there this weekend, I am going to be in a dragonboat race, with my team, the DragonFlies--so please come watch and cheer us on. Our race is at 1:30 p.m. saturday, and, if we win, we will race Sunday, as well. I would certainly like to meet and have a drink later with whoever can come, as well! I am staying at The Cat's Meow on Victoria if you want to leave a message; you can also leave it at the front desk of The Hotel Douglas stating "Attention: Any Dragonfly team member--" they will get it to me.

I am not hard to spot--I will be the 5 foot tall girl with 2 toned shortish spiky curly hair--blonde on top, burgundy on bottom--sorta Billy Idol-ish, according to my kids--and the blonde will be spiked with neon pink, green, and violet--dragonfly colors, of course!!!!!!!! Oh, and I will probably have various dragonfly clips throughout my hair. Oh, and I am really, REALLY buff---OK, that part's not true--YET! But I am getting there--just wait 'til next year!! Biceps and triceps are starting to cut nicely....

There will be teams from all over the world, so it will be really exciting.

Wish me luck!!!! Paddles UP!!!!

(FYI, my real name is Stephanie....)

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