Any Travelers To Ct!!!!

Specialties Travel


Specializes in Medsurg/Onc/Orto.

I Really Need Opiniions On Any Body Who Has Been To The State Of Ct. I Really Want To Take An Assignment There. Please Somebody Help Me With Some Suggestions!!!!

where are you from?

why CT?

I am from LI, NY. You really cannot go wrong in CT,

as far as people are concerned. I mean, I assume you are asking

about 'safe' places to go -where people are helpful, ratios are safe...

Danbury is definitely a great place.

I am really looking into Bridgeport, however. Close to the water, close to home.

I'd be a little sceptical about Stamford. Only because it's huge,

lots of people. Maybe not such a friendly environment. I have

a friend who is an OB/GYN res. She says people/nurses are great.

But I don't know how the nurses are to one another.

I have a friend who lives in Milford, not a nurse -but she loves the

nightlife in New Haven. Home of Yale -good for the resume, I'd assume.

Let me know where you end up.

Specializes in ICU/CCU/ER/CVICU.

DO NOTgo to Waterbury. Hospital management is very, very poor. You will be lacking supplies (like linens, personal care items, etc) that you need to do your job. Aside from that, their cafeteria is good. I didn't care much for the town itself. There are much better assignments in CT. New Haven comes to mind and Danbury is great.

The Wolf

Wolf - you're a world of knowledge.

Orlando area -all of it is bad? Really wanted to go there.

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