Any RN or students around the Chi --Help plz


hello all,

my name is eloisa and i work full time as an ma, and attend school full time finishing up my pre-reqs at the ccc's, (so much cheaper considering, i'm a single mom of two). i wanted to know if there were any rn's from the chicago area or near by subs on here, or student nurses, pre-nursing majors etc... i would like to know what school you went to here in the city? what was it like for you, what did you think od it?? basically i want to pick your brains about the program you went to or are attending. trust me i know it's called "google" and i have researched various schools and have spoken to admissions advisers but frankly most of them tell you what you want to hear. nothing like getting it straight from a students prospective. i'm so conflicted as to which i should go to, :confused: i was so ready to go to chamberlain, but after reading the forums/post on it, uh..i'm on the fence. also looking at uic, st. xavier, loyola, chgo state, robert morris...oh so many!

would also appreciate to get an ma going through the same things input if possible??

any and all replies would be most appreciated!

lots of love & respect :heartbeat

enjoy whats left of the weekend - i'm batteling a fever and have class in the am. fun! lol.

I went to Chamberlain-Addison campus. I had a GREAT experience there and have a great job now because of it. I thought that the instructors were great and that the program taught me what I needed. I mean honestly no school can really teach what nursing is truly like, but that is life. I mean everything is subjective and not everyone is going to be happy with what they get. I would say talk to the advisors before you completely discount it. I know quite a few people who work at top hospitals in the city, like Northwestern, Children's, University of Chicago, Loyola, etc.

Thank you for the input, I'm going to their open house for the chicago campus on the 6th. I'm anxious and nervous.

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