Published Nov 13, 2011
2 Posts
hello!!! i just got accepted into nursing school for january 2012!!! i am very excited/nervous! i was wondering if there any nursing students who could give me tips/advice on anything!!! clinicals, stress management, studying, gear, anything!!!! i do not know anyone at this school and have heard it's very "clicky" so any advice an anything is needed/appreciated!!! thank you so much for your time!!!!
5 Posts
I just graduated nursing school this summer. Nursing students can be wound a little tight over the pressure to make the grades and be the best. My best advice is to give school all you got, then walk away and have a life, or else the stress will become overwhelming. When your life isn't balanced you can't perform at your best. Remember that when you consider missing a loved ones birthday for an extra cram session. Be careful that a job also doesn't get in the way of study time, remember when you are a nurse, it will pay off! As for cliques, It felt that way also in my program, (very similar to highschool). I tried to be open and friendly with everyone and it made a difference. Branch out, it makes the experience much better, especially if your nursing friends are also wound a bit tight (anxiety is contagious amongst nursing students). As for equipment, I didn't have money to get nice stuff while in school, but if you want to invest in a nice pair of shoes, I suggest going to a store to get the right fit because getting the right fit for scrubs or shoes online can be tricky. Utilize the resources in your program, be good to your professors and communicate with them. If you struggle with something, they will know how to help you and they will be writing your letters of recommendation. Clinicals are important, prepare carefully and give it your all, never blow off clinicals! As a nursing student you are at the bottom of the food chain in any clinical setting, be tolerant and open to learning because you will see and hear things that will overwhelm you.
I wish you the very best! You will learn tons and it will be so worth it in the end!
Thank you!!! You hit a lot of points I had not even thought about! Thank you for taking the time to respond! Very much appreciated! :)
26 Posts
Congrats on getting accepted to nursing school. Like GingersnapsRN said, be prepared.....for everything. Clinicals, stress, personal conflicts, seeing things you did not expect.....everything. Having been out for almost 2 years. I found that I should have worked harder in clinicals to work with more patients, pushed for clinical experiences like starting IVs, inserting catheters and even doing colostomy/illeostomy appliance applications. I took school for granted and did not work as hard as I should, as a result I was not as prepared to work in a clinical setting at graduation as I could have been. Work hard, develop stress management skills and do your absolute best every day. It is a tough road but can take you to a better place. Good luck